"The Little Liar" by Mitch Albom is a moving parable that explores themes of honesty, survival, revenge, and devotion. The audiobook, narrated by the author himself, has a duration of 7 hours and 19 minutes. Listeners have praised the audiobook for its engaging storytelling and the narrator's performance. The audiobook is available on various platforms, including Audiobooks.com, Audible, Amazon, and Kobo.On Audible, the audiobook is narrated by Mitch Albom and has received positive reviews from listeners. The audiobook is also available on Amazon, where it is described as Mitch Albom at his very best. The audiobook is narrated by the voice of Truth, adding another layer of depth to the story.On Amazon, there is also another version of "The Little Liar" narrated by Willow Winters, which has received positive reviews from listeners. The audiobook is described as a compelling and emotional story that will leave listeners with a lasting impression.Overall, "The Little Liar" audiobook is a highly recommended listen for fans of Mitch Albom's work and those interested in exploring themes of honesty, survival, and devotion. The audiobook is available on various platforms and has received positive reviews for its engaging and emotional storytelling.